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Installation (Checklist)


To install and configure Syteca, follow the steps below, in sequence:

Step 1. Configuring the computer on which you want the Management Tool to be installed.

1.1. Turn on Internet Information Services (IIS) on your computer.

NOTE: If using Windows Server 2019 Core, installation of IIS can be automated by using a PowerShell script.

1.2. Install .NET Framework 4.8. It can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

NOTE: .NET Framework requires administrator privileges for installation.

1.3. Configure Internet Information Services (IIS).

1.4. Generate a self-signed certificate or import a trusted certificate.

NOTE: If using Windows Server 2019 Core, use PowerShell commands.

1.5. Export a self-signed certificate and add it to Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

1.6. Set up an HTTPS binding for the default website.

NOTE: If using Windows Server 2019 Core, use PowerShell commands.

Step 2. Installing the Application Server.

To deploy the system, first of all you need to install Syteca Application Server. The Application Server is used to store and process all records sent to it by the Clients hosted on remote computers. During installation you can select the type of the database to be used and define the administrator credentials.

NOTE: Syteca can be deployed in High Availability mode, which allows working with multiple Application Server instances in a Microsoft failover cluster. This provides a high level of operational performance, which allows downtime and service interruptions to be minimized. Please refer to the Shared Storage High Availability Deployment Guide for more information.

2.1. If you want to use the PostgreSQL database, download and install PostgreSQL 10 or higher.

2.2. If you want to use the MS SQL database, install the full edition of MS SQL Server 2019, MS SQL Server 2017, MS SQL Server 2016, MS SQL Server 2014, or MS SQL Server 2012 with the standard license or higher.

2.3. Install the Universal C Runtime and Visual C++ Runtime Redistributable Packages (for Syteca 5.5 or higher). Both can be installed via the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable:

The Universal C Runtime package needs to be initially installed via update KB2999226:

2.4. If the Application Server is not installed on the same computer as the Management Tool, install .NET Framework 4.8. It can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

NOTE: .NET Framework requires administrator privileges for installation.

2.5. During installation, select the type of database and define the administrator password that will be used when opening the Management Tool.

2.6. Define a location to be used to store the binary data (i.e. screen captures).

2.7. If the firewall was turned off during installation of the Application Server, add the Application Server executable to the list of firewall exceptions.

Step 3. Installing the Management Tool.

The Syteca Management Tool is used to manage users, Clients, alerts, and the database, as well as to view the monitored data received from the Clients. Connection with the Application Server is required for the Management Tool to operate.

3.1. If access to the Management Tool is performed from other computers, configure the firewall to enable remote access to the Management Tool.

Step 4. Activating a serial key online (or adding an activated serial key offline).

To be able to receive data from Clients and/or use the PAM features, you need to license the Clients and/or PAM users by activating the appropriate serial key (as purchased).


Step 5. If required, enabling Multi-Tenant mode, adding new tenants, and granting the required number of licenses to them.

Step 6. If the Clients are to be installed remotely on the Windows operating system using the Management Tool, configuring the computers where the Clients are to be installed.

6.1. Make sure shared folders are accessible on the remote computer. For workgroup computers, the Sharing Wizard must also be disabled.

6.2. Make sure the Server and the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) system services are running on the target computer.

6.3. Configure the firewall on the target computer for remote Client installation.

Step 7. Installing Windows Clients.

The Syteca Windows Client is usually installed remotely using the Management Tool, and can be installed on any computer in the network.

7.1. Open the Management Tool: open the browser and enter https://<Name_of_the_computer_or_IP_address_which_the_Management_Tool is_installed_on>/<URL_that_was_specified_while_installing_the_Management_Tool> in the address bar. (e.g. https://john-pc/MyMonitoringSystem).

7.2. Log in as administrator using the password defined when the Application Server was installed.

7.3. Install the Clients remotely from the Management Tool.

Step 8. Installing macOS Clients.

The Syteca macOS Client can be installed either locally or remotely.

8.1. Open the Management Tool: open the browser and enter https://<Name_of_the_computer_or_IP_address_which_the_Management_Tool is_installed_on>/<URL_that_was_specified_while_installing_the_Management_Tool> in the address bat (e.g. https://john-pc/MyMonitoringSystem), and log in as administrator using the password defined when the Application Server was installed.

8.2. Download the Client installation files from the Management Tool.

8.3. Install the Clients locally using the command line.

Step 9. Installing Linux Clients.

The Syteca Linux Client is installed locally.

9.1. Open the Management Tool: open the browser and enter https://<Name_of_the_computer_or_IP_address_which_the_Management_Tool is_installed_on>/<URL_that_was_specified_while_installing_the_Management_Tool> in the address bar (e.g. https://john-pc/MyMonitoringSystem).

9.2. Log in as administrator using the password defined when the Application Server was installed.

9.3. Download the Client installation files from the Management Tool.

9.4. Install the Clients locally using the Linux command line.

Step 10. Licensing the Clients.

Step 11. Installing the Tray Notifications application, if required.

The Syteca Tray Notifications application can be installed on any computer as long as there is a connection to the Application Server. The Syteca Tray Notifications application displays notifications on all alert events received from Clients.

NOTE: Syteca Application Server on Windows Server 2019 Core does not include Server Tray notifications.


After installing the system components listed above, Syteca is deployed, and all its features are available for use.

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