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Database Management

NOTE: The Database Management functionality is generally not available in SaaS deployments, except for a few notable features which can still be used in the Management Tool, including one-time Cleanup and scheduled Cleanup (but not Archive & Cleanup), and deleting Clients (from the database).

Database management is performed by way of the Management Tool by a user with the administrative Database Management permission. Database management allows you to delete and archive monitored data, delete offline or uninstalled Clients, shrink the database transaction log (depending on the database type), etc.

Database archiving is the logical archiving of old monitored data to another storage location. This means that the full database is not archived, but only the parts of it that you no longer need. You can alternatively do this by using native database tools, but make sure that you archive the old Client session records to another (archived) database before removing them from the production database.

NOTE: The archived database type and structure must be the same as in the production database. For example, if you use MS SQL Server to save the metadata to, and a file system to save the binary data (i.e. screenshots) to, then the archived metadata will be copied to another MS SQL Server database (which could be on another server) while the binary data files will be copied to another folder (which could be shared folder).

Separate cleanup/archiving settings can be defined independently for different Clients and Client groups. For example, you can keep the records from one Client group for one month, and for another Client group for two months before archiving them, while for the rest of the Clients you could delete the data after one week.

NOTE: Archiving to different database types is not supported. 

There are two types of cleanup operations that can be applied either to an individual Client or to a Client group:

• Cleanup: Allows the deletion of the Client sessions data from the database, that was recorded by the Clients while they monitored user activity.

NOT AVAILABLE IN SAAS Archive & Cleanup: Allows the saving of the monitored session data to secure storage followed by deletion of it from the database, where the archived Client sessions can be viewed and opened in the Session Viewer in the same way (but instead on the Archived Sessions tab) on the Client Management page.

You can configure the cleanup execution frequency by selecting one of the following options:

• Never: Cleanup operations will not be performed (this is the default option).

• Run once: A one-time cleanup operation will be performed immediately, after clicking Finish on the Editing Client / Editing Client Group page.

• Repeat according to schedule: A scheduled cleanup operation will be performed every few days at the specified time, as defined.

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