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Client Installation/Uninstallation Related Issues and Error Messages

NOTE: In Saas deployments, the Windows Client can only be installed locally.

Possible issues related to Client Installation and uninstallation are listed below, along with information about their possible causes and how to resolve them.

Common reasons for issues with remote installation or uninstallation of Clients are inadequate network configuration or system settings.

If you are sure that a user has administrative permissions on the Client computer, please check whether all of the installation preconditions have been met.

During remote Client installation, you may get the following error messages:

• "Client Uninstallation Related Issues and Error Messages."

• "The user does not have the required permissions on the remote host.

• "The network name cannot be found."

• "The Client computer must be rebooted before Client installation."

• "The host is unavailable now or turned off. Try again later."

If during remote Client installation, you get the error message The user does not have the required permissions on the remote host., as a rule, this issue may be caused by the following:

There is no access to network shares.

The DNS service is unavailable.

UAC is enabled (Windows 11/10/8/7).

Errors in Active Directory.

Issues with the Service Principle Name for the domain.

Two computers have the same name.


There is no access to network shares.

For successful remote installation, Syteca needs to access the administrative shares on the target computers. First of all, check that you have access to the administrative shares and if not, enable access to them.

How to Check

To check the availability of the administrative shares, do the following:

1. Open Windows Explorer.

2. In the address bar, type "\\<target_computer_IP/Name>\admin$", and press Enter.


3. In the Enter Network Password window that opens, enter the administrator credentials, and then click OK.

4. If the login credentials are accepted, the system folder opens (by default it is: C:\Windows).

If you get an error after performing Step 2, try the following:

• Open the command prompt (cmd.exe), and enter and execute the ping <target_computer_name or IP> command, and then check the following:

- If you do not get ping replies, the network may be down, so check the network connection and try again.

- If the network is up and running, but you do not get ping replies, check that the firewall is disabled on the remote target computer.

• If you are getting ping replies, but the administrative shares are still unavailable, check that the Sharing Wizard is disabled.

• If you are getting ping replies and the sharing options are specified, but you still cannot access the administrative shares, check that the Server system service is running on the remote computer.


If you get a login error after performing Step 3, try the following:

• Make sure that the credentials you entered are correct.

NOTE: The credentials of a domain administrator or a local administrator account on the remote computer must be entered.

• Verify that the account password is not empty (since accounts with empty passwords cannot be used for remote connection).

• Try entering the user name as <domain_name>\<username> if the remote computer is in a domain, or <computer_name>\<username> if the PC belongs to a workgroup.

How to Fix

To enable access to the administrative shares, you need to enable the Local Account Token Filter Policy.

NOTE: This is a known Windows issue that may block the remote installation of applications.

To enable the Local Account Token Filter Policy, do the following:

1. Open the Windows Registry Editor.

2. In the Registry Editor window, select the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System

3. Double-click the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy value or select it, then right-click on it, and click Modify in the context menu.

4. In the Value data field, enter “1”, and then click OK.

5. Close the Windows Registry Editor.

If a LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy registry value does not exist, do the following:

1. In the Windows Registry Editor, on the Edit menu, click New, and then click DWORD Value.

2. Enter "LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy", and then press Enter.

3. In the Value data field, enter “1”, and then click OK.

4. Close the Windows Registry Editor.


The DNS Service is unavailable.

The DNS service may be unavailable in your network. Try using the remote computer's IP address if you cannot access it by name.

How to Check

To check the availability of the DNS service, execute the following command in the command line (cmd.exe): ping <Computer name>

If there is no response, you need to enable the DNS service.

How to Fix

To enable the DNS service, please refer to Windows troubleshooting documentation. On Windows Server 2003, you can use the netdiag.exe tool.


UAC is enabled (Windows 11/10/8/7).

If you can access the administrative shares normally on a remote PC running Windows 11/10//8/7, but remote installation of the Client fails, try disabling User Account Control on the remote computer.


How to Check

By default, UAC is enabled on Windows 11/10/8/7.

How to Fix

To disable UAC, do the following:

1. Open the Windows Registry Editor.

2. Select the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System

3. Double-click the EnableLUA value or select it, then right-click on it, and click Modify in the context menu.

4. In the window that opens, in the Value data field, enter “0”, and then click OK.

5. Close the Windows Registry Editor and then reboot the Client computer.


Active Directory errors.

Errors in Active Directory may be caused by the absence of the critical object that represents the trust relationship between two Active Directory domains which have a parent/child or tree root trust relationship.


How to Check

Errors in the Active Directory may occur when you have two or more replicated domains.

How to Fix

To resolve errors in Active Directory, do the following:

1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers.

2. Open the System container.

3. If there is no trusted domain object (TDO) in the System container, reset the trust between the parent and child domains in the respective domain controllers.


Errors in the Service Principal Name for the domain.

Issues with the Service Principle Name (SPN) for the domain which is hosting a replica can occur when it has not been propagated to the domain that contains the account which you use when you run the Dcpromo.exe file. This propagation may have been delayed due to replication latencies.

How to Fix

To resolve issues with the SPN, do one of the following:

Log in with the domain admin of the child domain.

Wait for replication to complete and then use the root admin account.


Two computers have the same name.

The computer in the child domain has the same name as a computer in the parent domain.

How to Fix

To resolve this issue, rename the computer in the parent domain which has the same name as the computer in the child domain.

If, at the end of remote Client installation, you get the message The network name cannot be found., this may be caused by the following:

There is no access to the remote computer.

There is no access to network shares.


There is no access to the remote computer.

How to Check

Check that you have access to the remote computer by entering the following command in the Windows command line: ping <name of the remote computer>

If you do not get a response, access may be blocked by the remote computer’s firewall.

How to Fix

Try enabling the Local Account Token Filter Policy on the target computer.


Issues related to Client uninstallation.

How to Fix

If, at the end of remote Client installation, you get the message The Client computer must be rebooted before Client installation., restart the computer because if the Client has recently been uninstalled, the Client computer must first be rebooted.

If, after clicking Uninstall Client(s), you get the message The host is unavailable now or turned off. Try again later., this means that the Client may be offline or unable to connect to the Application Server. Do one of the following:

• Wait until the Client is displayed online.

• If the Client is not displayed online, uninstall it locally on the Client computer using the Windows command line by executing the following command: UninstallClient.exe/key=<uninstallation key> (where "<uninstallation key>" needs to be replaced by the actual Uninstallation key).

NOTE: By default, the UninstallClient.exe file is located in: C:\Program Files\Ekran System\Ekran System\UninstallClient.exe

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