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Users and User Groups

By default, there is one administrator of the system whose login is “admin” and whose password is defined during installation of the Application Server. This administrator of the built-in default tenant has all the permissions required to work with the system. If Multi-Tenant mode is enabled, the administrator is the technician and is able to create tenants.

User and user group management is only available for users with the administrative User Management permission.

In order to grant other users access to the system, users can be added and their permissions defined. There are three types of users:

• Internal users

• Active Directory users (Windows domain users and Windows domain user groups)

• Application account users

To define the same permissions for groups of users, user groups can also be created. A user can belong to multiple user groups.

NOTE: In Multi-Tenant mode, users and user groups are completely independent for each tenant.

When a user is added to a user group, they inherit all the permissions from the user group. If a user has inherited permissions from a user group, these permissions can only be removed by removing the user from this user group. Apart from permissions inherited from a user group, other permissions can also be assigned to a specific user.

By default, the system has four user groups:

• All Users: A group of users that contains all users that have been created.

• Administrators: A group of users that can perform administrative functions within the system. If a user is added to this user group, they will have all administrative and Client permissions for the system.

NOTE: The admin user of the built-in default tenant cannot be removed from the Administrators user group.

• Supervisors: A group of users whose job it is to perform major investigative work by analyzing the Clients. If a user is added to this user group, they will have the Viewing Monitoring Results permission for all Clients.

• PAM Users: A group of users that do not have permission to access the Management Tool.

You can also add other custom user groups and manage them yourself.

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