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Forensic Export

By performing a Forensic Export, you can export encrypted Client sessions in order to view its monitored data on any computer, even without having access to the Management Tool so as to, for example, present it to third-parties.

To perform a Forensic Export, do either of the following:

 To export a Client Session in the Session ViewerClick the Tools (

) icon (in the top right) of the Session Player pane.

• To export one or multiple Client Sessions on the Client Sessions tab (on the Activity Monitoring page): Select the checkboxes next to the required sessions (or the Select All checkbox in the column header), and then click the Bulk Action (

) button (in the top left) and select Forensic Export in the drop-down list.

The session is exported to an .efe file that can be played back with the Syteca Forensic Player.

NOTE: You can download the Syteca Forensic Player on the Forensic Export History tab.

You can verify the integrity of any exported Client session by using the SHA256 hash displayed on the Forensic Export History tab (on the Activity Monitoring page).

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