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The File Monitoring Parameter (for macOS Clients)

NOTE: A similar parameter is also available for Windows Clients.

File monitoring allows you to monitor the following types of File Upload operations performed by users on macOS Client computers:

Operations in a dialog window opened from a browser

Drag & drop operations.

Applications that are currently supported for File Upload operations to be monitored using them are:

• Google Chrome (v. 71 and higher).

• Safari.

To enable the File Monitoring feature, add the "<add key="EnableFileMonitoring" value="1" />" key to the EkranServer.Settings.config file (which is located in: C:\Program Files\Ekran System\Ekran System\Server).

If the Enable file monitoring checkbox is also then selected for the required Client / Client group (on the Editing Client / Editing Client Group page, on the Monitoring [Windows/macOS] tab, in the Monitoring Parameters section at the top) to enable this option, then whenever users of the Client computer (or of any of the computers in the Client group) perform a File Upload operation, it is detected by the system.

The File Monitoring tab (on the Activity Monitoring page) displays a list of the File Upload operations performed by users on macOS Client computers.

File Upload alerts can also be configured (when adding or editing an alert of the Alerts page), which contain rules using the File Upload (Windows and macOS) parameter to detect whenever users of a Client computer (or of any computers in a Client group) perform specific File Upload operations that trigger these alerts, and notifications can also be configured to:

 Send email notifications.

• Show a warning message on the Client computer's screen.

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