Enabling Detection of Disconnected Clients
Syteca allows you to receive email notifications about Clients that are offline for longer than a specified time period. Such Clients are considered to be disconnected.
To enable the detection of disconnected Clients for a Client (or for all the Clients in a Client group), do the following:
1. Click the Clients navigation link (on the left).
2. On the Client Management tab that opens, find the Client to be detected, and click its name in the Client Name column (or select the Client Groups tab and find the required Client group, and then click on its name in the Client Group Name column).
NOTE: To find specific Clients, the Search box and filters at the top of the Client Management tab can be used (or to find specific Client groups, the Search box at the top of the Client Groups page can be used).
3. On the Editing Client (or Editing Client Group) page that opens, on the Properties tab, scroll down to the Client Mode section, and select the Notify if the Client is offline for more than checkbox.
4. Enter the time period after which an offline Client will be detected as disconnected (the default value is 1 day).
5. In the Send email notification to field, enter an email address to which notifications will be sent in case the Client is disconnected. You can define multiple email addresses, separating them by semicolons. If you don’t want to receive email notifications, leave this field empty.
6. Click the Finish button (in the bottom right of the page) to save the changes.