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Dashboards (on the Home Page)

Ekran System allows the viewing of various types of information about the recent activity of monitored users and the system state by using the dashboards displayed on the Home page (by clicking on the Ekran System logo in the top right of the Management Tool interface).

NOT AVAILABLE IN SAAS NOTE: Some dashboards (i.e. the last 4 in the list below, which concern the system and the database) are also duplicated on the System Health page.

Dashboards provide you with a convenient real-time view of the most important data, where several types of dashboards are available, grouped in one place.

The dashboards are customizable, with the customization settings stored on the Application Server. So if you log into the Management Tool from any other computer, your dashboards will appear the same as you have previously customized them.

You can choose which dashboards to show or hide, rearrange and re-size the dashboards on the page, and add several dashboards of the same type to see the same data in different variations, etc.

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